The Drone Delivery Problem#

Optimization Model for Drone Delivery

This notebooks outlines the optimization model designed to determine the minimum distance for drone delivery routing problems. The model employs a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approach to minimize the total travel distance required to deliver packages from a warehouse to various delivery points.


To begin, we import the necessary libraries.

pip install quantagonia
pip install folium
API_KEY="Your-API-KEY" # if you don't have one, head over to (free account available)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time as ttt
import random
import math
import folium

from pulp import *
from quantagonia import HybridSolverParameters
import quantagonia.mip.pulp_adapter as pulp_adapter

Problem Parameters and Data Preparation

Next, we set up the initial parameters.

# Define problem parameters
NUM_LOCATIONS = 12 # Number of Location Points Including Warehouse

Generate coordinates for the selected area, which in our case is Munich. To gain an initial perspective on our problem, we will visualize the data using the Folium.


# Latitude and Longitude ranges for Munich
lat_range = (48.114972911995785, 48.17622969284977) # Approximate latitude range for Munich
lon_range = (11.536111191947134, 11.611750294370422) # Approximate longitude range for Munich

# Generate random coordinates within the specified range
for i in range(NUM_LOCATIONS):
    coordinates[i] = (round(random.uniform(lat_range[0], lat_range[1]), 17), round(random.uniform(lon_range[0], lon_range[1]), 8))

    # Create a map centered around the average coordinates
avg_lat = sum(lat for lat, lon in coordinates) / len(coordinates)
avg_lon = sum(lon for lat, lon in coordinates) / len(coordinates)
map_munich = folium.Map(location=[avg_lat, avg_lon], zoom_start=10)

# Add markers for each coordinate
for i, coord in enumerate(coordinates):
    if i == 0:
        folium.Marker(location=coord, popup=f"Name: Warehouse, Lat: {coord[0]}, Lon: {coord[1]}", icon=folium.Icon(color='green')).add_to(map_munich)
        folium.Marker(location=coord, popup=f"Name: Delivery Point {i}, Lat: {coord[0]}, Lon: {coord[1]}").add_to(map_munich)

# Save the map to an HTML file"Munich_coordinates_map.html")

# If running in a Jupyter notebook, display the map

Distance Calculation

We use the Haversine formula to calculate the distance between two geographic coordinates and then construct the distance matrix for the model.

# Haversine Distance Function
def haversine_distance(coord1, coord2):
    R = 6371  # Radius of the Earth in kilometers
    lat1, lon1 = math.radians(coord1[0]), math.radians(coord1[1])
    lat2, lon2 = math.radians(coord2[0]), math.radians(coord2[1])
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    dlon = lon2 - lon1
    a = math.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon / 2)**2
    c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
    return R * c

# Construct the distance matrix
distance_matrix = np.zeros((len(coordinates),len(coordinates)))
for i in range(len(coordinates)):
    for j in range(len(coordinates)):
        distance_matrix[i,j] = haversine_distance(coordinates[i], coordinates[j])

Sets and Indices:

Now, we define the sets:

  • \(i,j \in \text{locationset} = \{0,1,\ldots,(n-1)\}\), the set of locations (including warehouse, \(idx=0\))

  • \(i,j \in \text{locationset_without_wh} = \{1,2,\ldots,(n-1)\}\), the set of locations (excluding warehouse, \(idx=0\))

  • \(t \in \text{tours} = \{0,1,\ldots,\text{Maximum_Tours}\}\), the set of tours

locationset = list(range(NUM_LOCATIONS)) ## Location set includinng warehouse (idx=0)
locationset_without_wh = list(range(1,NUM_LOCATIONS)) ## Location set excluding warehouse (idx=0)
tours = list(range(math.ceil((NUM_LOCATIONS-1)/DRONE_CAPACITY))) ## Tour set

Decision Variables

We define the decision variables for the model to be:

  • \(x_{ijt}\): binary Variable, 1 if location \(j\) is visited after location \(i\) within tour \(t\), otherwise 0.

  • \(y_{it}\): binary Variable, 1 if location \(i\) is visited in tour \(t\), otherwise \(0\).

  • \(u_i\): auxiliary integer variable to eliminate subtours, representing the order in which delivery point \(i\) is visited.


### x[i][j][t] - Binary: if location j is visited after location i within tour t, then 1; otherwise 0
x = []
for i in locationset:
    for j in locationset:
        for t in tours:
            x[i][j].append(LpVariable(name = 'x(%d,%d,%d)' % (i,j,t), cat='Binary'))
### y[i][t] - Binary: if location i is visited in tour t, then 1; otherwise 0
y = []
for i in locationset:
    for t in tours:
        y[i].append(LpVariable(name = 'y(%d,%d)' % (i,t), cat='Binary'))

### u[i] - Auxiliary variable to eliminate subtours, representing the order in which delivery point i is visited
u = []
for i in locationset:
    u.append(LpVariable(name = 'u(%d)' % (i),lowBound=0, cat='Integer'))

Objective Function

We define the objective function to minimize the total travel distance:

\begin{equation} \text{Minimize} \quad Z = \sum_{i \in \text{locationset}} \sum_{j \in \text{locationset}} \sum_{t \in \text{tours}} x_{ijt} \cdot \text{distance_matrix}_{ij} \tag{0} \end{equation}

Z = LpProblem("Deliver_Packages", LpMinimize)
Z += lpSum(x[i][j][t]*distance_matrix[i][j] for i in locationset for j in locationset for t in tours)


Constraint 1:

The number of entries and exits for each location must be the same.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \sum_{i \in \text{locationset}} x_{ijt} &= \sum_{i \in \text{locationset}} x_{jit}, \quad \forall j \in \text{locationset}, \forall t \in \text{tours} \tag{1}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

Constraint 2a:

The number of entries to each location \(j\) must be equal to 1 if it is visited in tour \(t\).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \sum_{i \in \text{locationset}, i \neq j} x_{ijt} &= y_{jt}, \quad \forall j \in \text{locationset}, \forall t \in \text{tours} \tag{2a}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

Constraint 2b:

The number of departures from each location \(i\) must be equal to 1 if it is visited in tour \(t\).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \sum_{j \in \text{locationset}, j \neq i} x_{ijt} &= y_{it}, \quad \forall i \in \text{locationset}, \forall t \in \text{tours} \tag{2b}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

Constraint 3:

Each delivery location must be visited.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \sum_{t \in \text{tours}} y_{it} &= 1, \quad \forall i \in \text{locationset_without_wh} \tag{3}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

Constraint 4:

Capacity constraint: The maximum number of customers visited is limited by the drone’s capacity. Additionally, the warehouse node must be visited if any tour is activated.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \sum_{i \in \text{locationset_without_wh}} y_{it} &\leq \text{DRONE_CAPACITY}*y_{0t}, \quad \forall t \in \text{tours} \tag{4}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

Constraint 5a:

Subtour elimination and order constraints (Miller-Tucker-Zemlin (MTZ) formulation).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} u_i - u_j + \text{DRONE_CAPACITY} \cdot x_{ijt} &\leq \text{DRONE_CAPACITY} - 1, \quad \forall i, j \in \text{locationset_without_wh}, i \neq j, \forall t \in \text{tours} \tag{6a}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

Constraint 5b:

Subtour elimination and order constraints (MTZ formulation).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} 1 \leq u_i &\leq \text{DRONE_CAPACITY}, \quad \forall i \in \text{locationset_without_wh} \tag{6b}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]
# Constraint 1: The number of entries and exits for each location must be the same.
for j in locationset:
    for t in tours:
        Z += lpSum(x[i][j][t] for i in locationset) == lpSum(x[j][i][t] for i in locationset)

# Constraint 2a: The number of entries to each location j must be equal to 1 if it is visited in tour t.
for j in locationset:
    for t in tours:
        Z +=lpSum(x[i][j][t] for i in locationset if i!=j) == y[j][t]

# Constraint 2b: The number of departures from each location i must be equal to 1 if it is visited in tour t.
for i in locationset:
    for t in tours:
        Z +=lpSum(x[i][j][t] for j in locationset if j!=i) == y[i][t]

# Constraint 3: Each delivery location must be visited.
for i in locationset_without_wh:
    Z += lpSum(y[i][t] for t in tours) == 1

# Constraint 4: Capacity constraint: The maximum number of customers visited is limited by the drone's capacity.
# Additionally, the warehouse node must be visited if any tour is activated.
for t in tours:
    Z += lpSum(y[i][t] for i in locationset_without_wh) <= DRONE_CAPACITY*y[0][t]

# Constraint 5a: Subtour Elimination and Order Constraints (Miller-Tucker-Zemlin (MTZ) formulation).
for t in tours:
    for i in locationset_without_wh:
        for j in locationset_without_wh:
            if i==j:
            Z += (u[i]-u[j]+DRONE_CAPACITY*x[i][j][t] <= DRONE_CAPACITY-1)

# Constraint 5b: Subtour Elimination and Order Constraints (MTZ formulation).
for t in tours:
    for i in locationset_without_wh:
        Z += (u[i] <= DRONE_CAPACITY)
        Z += (u[i] >= 1)

Solving the Model

We define the parameters (e.g. Time, Gap) and solve the model using a the HybridSolver from Quantagonia.

params = HybridSolverParameters()
q_solver = pulp_adapter.HybridSolver_CMD(api_key=API_KEY, params=params)
status = Z.solve(solver=q_solver)

print("Status:",LpStatus[status],"\nObjective Function Value: %.2f"%Z.objective.value(),"km")
✔ Queued job with jobid 0028b7fb-9985-4f49-a3dc-f18e118b3b0a...
✔ Job 0028b7fb-9985-4f49-a3dc-f18e118b3b0a unqueued, processing...

Quantagonia HybridSolver version 1.1.1781
Copyright (c) 2024 Quantagonia GmbH.
HybridSolver integrates various open-source packages; see release notes.

User-specified parameters:
Set parameter 'time_limit' to value '600.0'.
Set parameter 'seed' to value '0'.

Read b145cc629f4d4258ae4d044a766029be-pulp.mps in 0.59s.
Minimize a MILP with 687 constraints and 635 variables (624 binary, 11 integer, 0 implied integer,0 continuous).

Presolving model. Presolved model in 0.0s.
Reduced model has 551 constraints and 576 variables (565 binary, 11 integer, 0 continuous).

       Nodes |      Incumbent |          Bound |   Gap (%) |  Time (s) |
           1 |            inf |     0.00000000 |       inf |      0.00 |
 *         1 |     46.7744772 |     19.8227293 |     57.62 |      0.00 |
 *         3 |     43.9381887 |     27.2419397 |     38.00 |      0.02 |
 *        59 |     43.3015915 |     27.2488165 |     37.07 |      0.43 |
 *        82 |     43.0262083 |     27.2488165 |     36.67 |      0.68 |
 *       162 |     42.3020208 |     27.2496758 |     35.58 |      1.27 |
 *       229 |     42.1412607 |     27.2605539 |     35.31 |      1.80 |
         386 |     42.1412607 |     27.2622454 |     35.31 |      2.93 |
 *       539 |     42.1061606 |     27.2622454 |     35.25 |      4.23 |
 *       880 |     41.9052291 |     28.0060363 |     33.17 |      4.76 |
 *       884 |     41.8789535 |     28.0060363 |     33.13 |      4.86 |
 *      1131 |     41.7559333 |     29.8798681 |     28.44 |      5.69 |
        2017 |     41.7559333 |     31.0858794 |     25.55 |     11.48 |
        2142 |     41.7559333 |     31.4118209 |     24.77 |     12.80 |
        2338 |     41.7559333 |     31.6075000 |     24.30 |     14.04 |
        2521 |     41.7559333 |     31.6556399 |     24.19 |     15.06 |
        2770 |     41.7559333 |     32.1571995 |     22.99 |     16.10 |
        2878 |     41.7559333 |     32.4013208 |     22.40 |     17.15 |
        3036 |     41.7559333 |     32.6622455 |     21.78 |     18.62 |
        3249 |     41.7559333 |     32.7038099 |     21.68 |     19.90 |
        3465 |     41.7559333 |     32.8898708 |     21.23 |     21.54 |
        3682 |     41.7559333 |     32.9232617 |     21.15 |     22.86 |
        3908 |     41.7559333 |     33.0918351 |     20.75 |     24.07 |
        4073 |     41.7559333 |     33.2434330 |     20.39 |     25.97 |
        4385 |     41.7559333 |     33.3867754 |     20.04 |     27.48 |
       Nodes |      Incumbent |          Bound |   Gap (%) |  Time (s) |
        5280 |     41.7559333 |     33.5461010 |     19.66 |     28.54 |
        5425 |     41.7559333 |     33.7102887 |     19.27 |     29.89 |
        5811 |     41.7559333 |     33.7967712 |     19.06 |     31.01 |
        6093 |     41.7559333 |     33.8393989 |     18.96 |     32.40 |
        6491 |     41.7559333 |     34.0827942 |     18.38 |     33.42 |
        6590 |     41.7559333 |     34.2933256 |     17.87 |     34.68 |
        6883 |     41.7559333 |     34.4214993 |     17.57 |     35.74 |
        7370 |     41.7559333 |     34.6465789 |     17.03 |     37.63 |
        7620 |     41.7559333 |     34.8405817 |     16.56 |     38.85 |
        8069 |     41.7559333 |     34.9895971 |     16.20 |     40.07 |
        8380 |     41.7559333 |     35.1596993 |     15.80 |     41.13 |
        8557 |     41.7559333 |     35.5214184 |     14.93 |     42.23 |
        8926 |     41.7559333 |     35.6900359 |     14.53 |     43.50 |
        9366 |     41.7559333 |     35.8195714 |     14.22 |     44.66 |
        9814 |     41.7559333 |     35.8797123 |     14.07 |     45.72 |
       10041 |     41.7559333 |     36.0815336 |     13.59 |     46.83 |
       10391 |     41.7559333 |     36.3871303 |     12.86 |     48.00 |
       10626 |     41.7559333 |     36.5415914 |     12.49 |     49.02 |
       10924 |     41.7559333 |     36.7241490 |     12.05 |     50.25 |
       11593 |     41.7559333 |     36.9130140 |     11.60 |     51.30 |
       11826 |     41.7559333 |     37.0363145 |     11.30 |     52.47 |
       12032 |     41.7559333 |     37.1233716 |     11.09 |     53.69 |
       12624 |     41.7559333 |     37.4367840 |     10.34 |     55.43 |
       13483 |     41.7559333 |     37.6922509 |      9.73 |     56.55 |
       13823 |     41.7559333 |     37.9103551 |      9.21 |     57.75 |
       Nodes |      Incumbent |          Bound |   Gap (%) |  Time (s) |
       14282 |     41.7559333 |     38.2179958 |      8.47 |     58.94 |
       14597 |     41.7559333 |     38.4545453 |      7.91 |     59.95 |
       14974 |     41.7559333 |     38.6770731 |      7.37 |     60.99 |
       15903 |     41.7559333 |     38.9883507 |      6.63 |     62.13 |
       16327 |     41.7559333 |     39.2174342 |      6.08 |     63.20 |
       16788 |     41.7559333 |     39.4652921 |      5.49 |     64.27 |
       17336 |     41.7559333 |     39.7677276 |      4.76 |     65.38 |
       18056 |     41.7559333 |     40.2870297 |      3.52 |     66.44 |
       18918 |     41.7559333 |     41.7534278 |      0.01 |     67.44 |

Optimal solution found (within relative tolerance 0.01%).

Solver Results:
 - Solution Status: Optimal
 - Wall Time: 67.4439 seconds
 - Objective: 41.7559333
 - Bound: 41.7534278
 - Absolute Gap: 0.0025
 - Relative Gap: 0.006%
 - Nodes: 18918
 - Best solution found at node 1131 after 6.2713 seconds
Finished processing job 0028b7fb-9985-4f49-a3dc-f18e118b3b0a...
Status: Optimal
Objective Function Value: 41.76 km


We extract the results:


resultx = np.zeros((len(locationset),len(locationset),len(tours)))
for i in locationset:
    for j in locationset:
        for t in tours:
            resultx[i,j,t] = x[i][j][t].varValue

resulty = np.zeros((len(locationset),len(tours)))
for i in locationset:
    for t in tours:
         resulty[i,t] = y[i][t].varValue

## Extract the sequences
result_u = np.zeros(len(locationset))
for i in locationset_without_wh:

## Extract the squences of the locations and which in tour they are visited
sequence_tour = np.zeros((NUM_LOCATIONS,2))
sequence_tour[:,1] = -1
for i in locationset_without_wh:
    sequence_tour[i,0] = int(round(result_u[i]))
    for t in tours:
        if int(round(resulty[i,t]))==1:
            sequence_tour[i,1] = t

# Construct the Output DataFrame
output_df = pd.DataFrame(sequence_tour[1:], columns=['Sequence','Tour'])
output_df['Location_Index'] = range(1,len(sequence_tour))
output_df['Coordinates'] = coordinates[1:]
output_df.sort_values(['Tour', 'Sequence'], ascending=[True, True],inplace=True)
for i in range(1,len(output_df)):
    if output_df.iloc[i,1] == output_df.iloc[i-1,1]:
        output_df.iloc[i,0] = output_df.iloc[i-1,0] + 1
        output_df.iloc[i,0] = 1

Visualizing the Results

We visualize the results using Folium:


# Define the list of colors for the tours (currently max tours is limited by 15)
colors = ['purple', 'red', 'blue', 'black', 'darkred', 'lightred', 'beige',
          'darkblue', 'cadetblue', 'darkpurple', 'pink', 'lightblue',
          'gray', 'orange', 'lightgray']

# Calculate the average coordinates for centering the map
avg_lat = sum(lat for lat, lon in coordinates) / len(coordinates)
avg_lon = sum(lon for lat, lon in coordinates) / len(coordinates)

# Create a map centered around the average coordinates
map_munich = folium.Map(location=[avg_lat, avg_lon], zoom_start=10)

# Add the first marker as the warehouse with a green icon
    popup=f"Name: Warehouse, Lat: {coordinates[0][0]}, Lon: {coordinates[0][1]}",

# Add markers for each coordinate
for i in range(len(output_df)):

    # Add markers for other locations with DivIcon displaying the sequence number
        popup=f"Location {output_df['Location_Index'].iloc[i]}: Lat: {output_df['Coordinates'].iloc[i][0]}, Lon: {output_df['Coordinates'].iloc[i][1]}",
        icon=folium.DivIcon(html=f'<div style="font-size: 16pt; color : black">{int(output_df["Sequence"].iloc[i])}</div>')

    # Add circle markers for other locations with specified colors

# Create a dictionary to store coordinates by tour
tour_coordinates = {}
for i in range(len(output_df)):
    tour = output_df['Tour'].iloc[i]
    if tour not in tour_coordinates:
        tour_coordinates[tour] = []

# Draw dashed lines for each tour
for tour, coords in tour_coordinates.items():
    # Connect warehouse to the first location in the tour
        locations=[coordinates[0], coords[0]],
        dash_array='1, 1'

    # Connect each location in the tour by its sequence
        dash_array='1, 1'

    # Connect the last location in a tour back to the warehouse
        locations=[coords[-1], coordinates[0]],
        dash_array='1, 1'

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